BOhem No. 6 cigar
How to launch new cigarette brands amidst competitors’ domination in the market?
Bohem Cigar No. 6 and Bohem Cigar Mojito are white cigarette brands from KT&G, a leading tobacco company in South Korea. We needed to launch these newfangled brands in the crowded Indonesian white cigarette market.
Instead of applying an adaptation of the Korean campaign that underlined generic lifestyle, brand differentiation was established to make the brands relevant yet stand out from the crowded market. Along with familiarizing the audience with Cuban cigar leaf quality, our niche approach was actualized through communication campaigns that are focused on journeys of satisfaction and freshness – fueled by Cuban passion.
With the objective of creating curiosity, inducing trial and eventually promoting brand adoption, we launched a far-reaching campaign that buzzed across channels. Started with social media including behind the scene viral videos, the campaign was rounded up with Print Ad, Billboard, Cinema Ad, and TV Commercial.